For 10 years, prominent Dallas attorney Michael Shore has hosted a Halloween blowout for clients and friends. To coincide with the election year, Mr. Shore wanted a “campaign” themed party and asked Kendall Creative to make this event something that no one would soon forget. Kendall worked to carefully craft the campaigning process covering a three-month timeline. Campaign Managers were selected from a group of Mr. Shore’s closest friends to “recruit” members from the invite list to join their “political parties” and build momentum leading up to the “election” (Halloween party). Since the venue had a limited capacity, Kendall created a variable data postcard to kick off the campaign and direct people to rsvp to the party. Kendall then built a comprehensive, database-driven website to manage the limited rsvp list, show who was affiliated with each party, give each of the newly formed political parties a locale for propaganda, and included a message board for trash-talking. The final mailing, including a campaign poster, party affiliation button, and election ballot, were sent to those on the final captured database list. The election party was enormously successful and party participants still rave about the experience.